वक्त और कर्म शायरी Karma Quotes In Hindi | Best Karma Quotes in English 2025

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? Welcome to hindiyaro.net! Today we are going to talking about Karma Quotes In hindi ” Somewhere you will have already heard this name. so we are here to delivery a very great post. If you are searching quotes on karma in hindi then this is right spot where you will get best karma quotes. karma is working because of that you are here to reading.

Actually Karma is name of our efforts , it may be right and wrong or good and bad. It’s totally depend on us what to do aur not. If you choose to fight then may be you win fight but there is chance that may you loose your life in the fight. But If you choose to not to fight then definitely you will win and you will not loose any body organs.

There are always two situation for us to choose right and left. actually it may cause of our last and forever living. someone said life is not expected. you are right my brother but somewhere always option to choose right and left. then unexpected life can be expected only on with your decision.

So, This was a short summary about karma quotes , we hope you will be loved and get them in your real life. we are not going to bore you so let’s start to read this post.

karma quotes in hindi

🌟 जो Karma करता है वह Bhagwan का Bhakat होता है।।
jo karm karta hai woh bhagwan ka bhakat hota hai
💫 Karma का Phal जो भी हो SAhana ही पड़ता है।
karm ka phal jo bhi sahna hi padta hai !! 💫
🌟 Karma से बढ़ाकर Kuch नहीं होता है।।
kam se badhakaar kuch nahi hota hai !! 🌟
💫 हमारे Karma ही हमे Laut के आते है चाहे फिर वो Nafrat हो या फिर Pyar ।।
Hamare karm hi hume laut ke aate hai chahe fir wo nafrat ho ay fir pyar. !! 💫
🌟 Karma ऐसा करो रोज़ की Mandir जाना नहीं पड़े, Bas जहां जाओ वहाँ Mandir बन जाये।।
Karm aisa karo roz ki mandir jana nahi apde bas jahan jao wha mandir ban jaye !! 🌟
💫 इंसानों की pahchan उसके Karmon से होती है। वैसे पुतले भी Bazar में सजधज के Khade होते है।।
Insaon ki pahchan uske karmon se hoti ahi vese putale bhi bazar me sajdhaj ke khade hote hai ..!! 💫

Karma Quotes in Hindi english

🌟 बिन Ichha कर्म करेगा Phal तेरी इच्छा का मिलेगा, जो तूने Ichha की तो फिर phal मिलेगा मेरी Ichaa का।।
Bin ichha karm karega phal teri ichha ka milega jo tune ichha ki to fir phal milega meri ichha ka ..!! 🌟
💫 इंसानियत Dil में होती है हैसियत में नहीं, Uperwala कर्म देखता है Vasiyat नहीं।।
Insaniyat dil me hoti hai haisiyat me nahi uparwala karm dekhta hai vasiyat nahi ..!! 💫
🌟 Hamare पास उपलब्ध हर एक Vastu किसी ना किसी karma की वजह से ही हमारे Pass है।।
Hamare pass uplabadh har ek vastu kisi na kisi karm ki vajah se hi hamare pass hai…!! 🌟
💫 हम Apne ही करमों का Dukh भोगते है Ishwar का कोई Dosh नहीं, जैसा Karma वेसी ही नियति होगी।।
hum apne hi karmo ka dukh bhoagte hai ishwar ka koi dosh nahi , jaisa karmo vesi hi niyati hogi ..!! 💫
🌟 Jaisa करोगे वैसा phal मिलेगा।।
Jaisa karoge vese phal milega…!! 🌟
💫 जैसी Karma वेसी भरनी ।।
Jaisi karm vesi bharnya ..!! 💫

Short karma quotes in hindi

🌟 Jaisa bij bovoge vesi hi phasal milegi ..!! 🌟
💫 मत कर Rishton में तु सौदा जब , karma आयेंगे soot तक वसूलेंगे।।
Mat kar rishton me tu sauda jab karm aayenge sut tak vasulenge…!! 💫
🌟 karna का अर्थ है aap ख़ुद ही अपने jeevan का निर्माण करते है।।
Karm ka arth hai aap khud hi apne jivan ka nirman karte hai …!! 🌟
💫 भक्ति karma का Nash करती करती है और आपको mukti की तरह ले जाती है।।
Bhakti karm ka nash karti hai aur aapko mukti ki taraf leke jati hai …!!! 💫
🌟 यहाँ Kuch नहीं बचता है Jane के बाद, फिर
Yahan kuch nahi bachta hai jane ke bad fir ..!! 🌟
💫 karma कि कहानियों को Log अक्सर Sunaya करते है।।
Karmon ki kahaniyon ko log aksar sunaya karte hai ..!! 💫
🌟 karm बुरे करके achhe दिन का इंतज़ार आपकी murkta है, और अच्छे karma से और achha हो ही नहीं सकता।।
Karm bure karke achhe din ka intezaar aapki murkhta hai aur achhe karm se aur achha ho hi nahi sakta ..!! 🌟
💫 मत करो Majhab या धर्म की बाते मैं Karma जानता हूँ बस Karmi की बात करूँगा।।
Mat karo majhab ya dharm ki baate main karm janta hoon bas karmi ki baat karunga..!! 💫
🌟 Karm का Phal देर से ही सही लेकिन satya होता है।।
Karm ka phal der se hi sahi lekin satya hota hai ..!! 🌟
💫 sukh हो या चाहिये dukh हो कर्म का phal मिलता ज़रूर है।।
Sukh ho ya chahiye dukh karm ka phal milta jarur hai ..!! 💫
🌟 karm आपके कम की vajah से नहीं पर उसके पीछे के आपके irade की वजह से है आपके jeevan की घटनायें नहीं बल्कि उनके sandharbh कर्म बनाते है।।
Karm aapke kam ki vajah se nahi par uske piche ke aapke irade ki vajah se hai aapke jivan ki ghatnaye nahi balki unke sandharbh karm banate hai ..!! 🌟
💫 इससे कोई farak नहीं पड़ता कि बाईट Samay में अपने क्सी तरह के karma इकत्ता किए है इस Paal के कर्म तो आपके hath में ही है।।
Isse koi fark nahi padta ki bite samay me apne kisi tarah ke karm iktta kiye hai is pal ke karm to aapke hath me hi hai ..!! 💫

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Frequently Asked Question

What is Karma?

Karma refers to the actions or deeds of a person, whether good or bad. It is believed that every action leads to a consequence, either in this life or the next.

What is the importance of Karma in life?

Karma plays a crucial role in shaping our future. Good actions lead to positive outcomes, while bad actions bring negative consequences. It teaches responsibility for one’s actions.

What is the connection between time and Karma?

Time and Karma are interconnected as the actions we take today influence our future. The right use of time and righteous actions lead to good results, while misuse of time and bad deeds result in suffering.

Can one change their Karma?

Yes, through self-awareness, intention, and positive actions, a person can change their Karma. It is believed that by performing good deeds and staying true to moral values, one can shape their destiny.

What are some famous Karma quotes in Hindi?

  • “जैसा कर्म करोगे, वैसा फल मिलेगा।”
  • (Jaisa karm karoge, vaisa phal milega.)
  • “कर्मों से ही व्यक्ति की पहचान होती है, केवल नाम से नहीं।”
  • (Karmon se hi vyakti ki pehchaan hoti hai, keval naam se nahi.)

What are some famous Karma quotes in English?

  • What you sow, you shall reap.”
  • “The universe doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you deserve based on your actions.”

What does ‘Karma’ mean in relation to destiny?

Karma is often seen as a pathway that leads to destiny. The actions we take today influence our future experiences, and our destiny is shaped by the choices we make.


Karma, the law of cause and effect, plays a central role in shaping our lives and future. It teaches us that our actions, whether good or bad, have consequences that impact our destiny. The connection between time and karma is undeniable—how we utilize our time and the actions we take directly influence the outcomes we experience. By choosing to act with kindness, integrity, and responsibility, we can create a positive and meaningful future.

In both Hindi and English, Karma reminds us of the power of our actions and the responsibility we hold for our own lives. It is a guiding principle that encourages us to make thoughtful decisions and strive for personal growth. Ultimately, understanding karma empowers us to lead a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

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